Enviro Venice 1700

Enviro Venice 1700

The Venice 1700 Wood Insert offers several features, including a modern, clean appearance with cast iron top and door, a user-friendly draft control, twin pilot-injector ports for easy ignition, and an effective air wash system to keep the glass clean. It includes 304-grade stainless steel secondary air tubes, a brick-lined firebox with a 6" flue, and a ceramic top baffle. This insert is suitable for mobile homes and is built with heavy-duty construction, featuring a 5/16" thick steel top and ash shelf on flat top models. It has a 1/2" diameter door handle and hinge pins, along with a cast iron adjustable door latch. Options for this insert include various surround panels and an angled flue collar. Specifications: Heating Area: 2,200 ft² BTU's: 67,000 Efficiency: 82.6% Glass Size: 177 in² Convection Fan: 150 CFM EPA Emissions: 3.3 gms Log Size: 18” Burn Time: 6-10 hrs Firebox Size: 1.85 ft² Weight: 335 lbs Dimensions: 27” W x 19” H x 14” D